Friday, March 18, 2011

one year in country

I still remember Month 1 of being in Indonesia. So excited to be in a new country as the first Peace Corps group since the 60s, but equally perplexed about how I would manage 27 months of spicy food, squatty potties, and a seemingly impossible language barrier. One year seemed infinitely far away. Would I really be able to commit to this new life for that long, let alone the full 2 years? But I made it. Officially 12 months in country. I remember leaving Colorado on that icy March day, following the joint birthday party of my two nieces and a family dinner at my brother’s new place. Not really sure what to expect, but aware that I needed a new adventure in a new place with new people and a new mentality.
365 days later I’m almost halfway through that adventure. With all of the ups and downs over the past year, I can honestly say it has been an amazing experience thus far. Sure, I’ve had my battles with head lice, ringworm, vicious mosquitoes, ants, cold bucket baths, not being in control of my diet, moldy clothes and shoes, and extreme culture shock. But I’ve also been serenaded more times than I will probably ever be the rest of my life, inspired others…been inspired, been told I’m beautiful on a daily basis by strangers and friends alike, become competent in a new language, been challenged in ways I never anticipated…succeeded…and failed, made lifelong friends, seen some of the most unbelievable sites in the world, and met the President of the United States.
I feel good. I’ve become a better person, someone I’m proud of. Not flawless by any means, but continuously in the process of transforming into someone I could one day admire. I look forward to what the next 15 months has to offer.

A Much Belated Picture of Our Meeting with President Obama


  1. wow wow wow Maggie. This post is so inspiring! And how cool that you met the President :) Looks like we are doing what we set out to do since International Studies class :) I'm in France teaching English... and you are in Indonesia! Just amazing!

  2. congrat Maggie! and agreed, this post is definitely inspiring.
    One thing that I can guarantee the next 15 months has to offer is ME, coming to see you....if you'll have me :)

  3. Very awesome Maggie! Keepthe posts coming, they are a great window into a place & life that most couldn't even imagine. Great work.

  4. Hi Maggie, my name is Abigail Hawkins and I am Robert Hawkins' wife. He had sent me your blog about POTUS in Indonesia a year ago and I was going through old articles and pictures of Indonesia today and found your blog. Reading it brought back wonderful memories. It's really fun to look at your blog and all the things you are doing in Indonesia. We have moved away from Jakarta now but I miss it everyday! Indonesia is truly a remarkable and special place!
